Theme Frontend Options
Our theme comes packed with several features and flexible theme settings.
Header Settings
- Search block
Display search box in header
- Search block
Category Navigation
Settings for the category navigation
- Display menu
Display categories navigation block.
- Title
Button title for responsive version. E.g.: Browse Categories, Site Navigation
- Links before
Enter comma separated Label-Link pairs in different rows, for example:
- Home,/
- Contact,contacts
- About us,about-us.html
- Links after
Enter comma separated Label-Link pairs in different rows, for example:
- Home,/
- Contact,contacts
- About us,about-us.html
- Multicolumn navigation
Enable multicolumn navigation
- Add custom blocks
Create custom blocks with block code : category_nav_CATEGORYID_before or category_nav_CATEGORYID_after , e.g.: category_nav_150_before for category with id 150, to place the block before the subcategories list
- Display menu
- Show on categories
- Show on product pages
- Hide breadcrumbs based on path
Enter paths in different rows, for instance:
Catalog pages
Settings for the products lists and grids
- Show top toolbar
- Show bottom toolbar
- Columns in grid( Large Screen > 1200px)
- Columns in grid ( Desktop )
- Columns in grid (Tablets )
- Columns in grid ( Small devices )
- Show "Add to Cart" button in grid
- Show "Add to Cart" button in list
- Product images proportion
Enter the image proportion in x:y format ( x and y integer numbers ) , the sizes will be calculated automatically. Common values are 1:1 , 3:4, 4:3 , 9:16, 10:16
- Product images width
The product images will be loaded from the server using this width, and then resized in the template. A common value is : page-width / number-of-columns-in-grid , e.g.: 1200/4 = 300
- Lazy load images
Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long products lists. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.
Product pages
Settings for the products details page
- Columns proportion
The product details page shows 2 columns: images on the left and the product description on the right. The available space uses a grid of 12 columns, you can enter how many columns each section will use, for instance, 6:6 ( equal width) , 8:4 ( wider image ) or 5:7 ( the right column will be wider).
- Product images proportion
Enter the image proportion for in x:y format ( x and y integer numbers ) , the sizes will be calculated automatically. Common values are 1:1 , 3:4, 4:3 , 9:16, 10:16. This will be applied to the main image and the thumbnails.
- Main product image width
The product images will be loaded from the server using this width, and then resized in the template. A common value is : page-width / 2 , e.g.: 1200/2 = 600
- Thumbnails width
The product images will be loaded from the server using this width, and then resized in the template. A common value is : page-width / ( 2 * thumbs-per-row , e.g.: 1200/ (2*4) = 150
- Large images width (zoom and lightbox)
The product images will be loaded from the server using this width, and then resized in the template. A common value is : 1000 or page-width
- Enable cloudzoom
Enable zoom when hovering on images.
- Thumbnails per row
Number of thumbnails per row to display below the main product image. Accepted values are : 3,4,5,6
- Columns proportion
Sidebar blocks
Settings for the sidebar blocks
- Product images proportion
Enter the image proportion for in x:y format ( x and y integer numbers ) , the sizes will be calculated automatically. Common values are 1:1 , 3:4, 4:3 , 9:16, 10:16. This will be applied to the main image and the thumbnails.
- Product images proportion
To remove the wishlist completely, go to Customers > Wishlist > General Options, and set the option "Enabled" to No.
- Enabled in products list/grid
Show add to compare link in categories and search results pages
- Enabled in products details page
- Enabled in products list/grid
Add To Compare
- Enable sidebar blocks
- Enabled in products list/grid
Show add to compare link in categories and search results pages
- Enabled in products details page
Footer Configuration
- Footers rows and columns
Enter number of columns used by each block in each footer row (Each row has 12 available columns) .
For example:- 3,3,3,3 (Equal width columns)
- 2,2,2,3,3 ( The first 3 columns are narrower than the last 2 )
- 3,3,6 ( two narrow blocks and one wide block )
- Footers rows and columns
Custom CSS
Include your own css file with the theme
- Use custom css
Create the file skin/frontend/mango/MYTHEME/css/style-local.css so it can be included.
- Use custom css
Ajax add to cart
- Enabled
- Show summary
Display cart summary on the confirmation popup
- Qty. Form
Display qty. form for simple products before adding to cart.
Quick View Settings
- Enabled
Display quick view button when hovering the images in the products list/grid.
- Columns proportion
The quickview page shows 2 columns: images on the left and the product description on the right. The available space uses a grid of 12 columns, you can enter how many columns each section will use, for instance, 6:6 ( equal width) , 8:4 ( wider image ) or 5:7 ( the right column will be wider).
- Enabled